Urban Art route


Author: Obradoiro Employment Sillor IV In the year 2020, the workers of the Sillor IV Employment Obradoiro were in charge of beautifying an area of Quiroga, between the Infant and Primary School, the Sports Pavilion and the Municipal Hostel, which was badly damaged by the passage of the years. Taking the context into account, in the purest Piet Mondrain style, they decided to play with colors and geometric shapes to define a much more joyful and human space.

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Author: Felipe Piñuela These two sculptures (n.3 and n.15) made by the Salamantino Felipe Piñuela intend to value Quiroga’s literary culture. The well-known authors whose names decorate the pencils of culture were chosen not only for the contribution they made to Galician and Castilian literature, but also for being linked to Quiroga’s lands. The authors represented are: Ánxel Fole, Manuel María, Ernesto Guerra de la Cual, Luz Pozo Garza, Eduardo Moreiras and the sisters Pura and Dora Vázquez.

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16.- PILGRIM / A. 2022

Author: Salamanca School of Art. Quiroga, with the support of the Quiroga en Marcha Association, pays homage to the pilgrims on the Winter Way with this cortan steel sculpture on a quartzite base. It is located on the Camino de Invierno itself, next to the municipal hostel.

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Author: Manuel Garcia Losada Pop art inspires the artist for the thematic decoration of a bench dedicated to a product, the wine and gastronomic festival dedicated to this product; The Quiroga Wine Fest, the doyen of the Ribeira Sacra Wine Fairs, since 1980 has become a gastronomic and cultural benchmark inside and outside Galicia. Every Saturday and Sunday of Easter thousands of visitors pass through Quiroga attracted by the offer of this event.

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18.- CHILD WITH THE OLIVE. 2021 (Quiroga Oil)

Author: Mon Devane Monumental mural made on the rear façade of the Municipal Auditorium of Quiroga to reflect one of Quiroga’s jewels, the olive. This work wants to highlight one of the products that means so much to Quiroga, oil. As the visitors will be able to observe, the artist Mon Devane represented a child holding an olive within his characteristic chromatic scale.

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