Urban Art Route

When urban art came to Quiroga, it was here to stay, to take root in our roots and become part of our universe. There are many involved in this project who joined efforts so that different artistic manifestations make their way through various buildings in the town: The Quiroga Cultural Association in March, the Quiroga City Hall, the Consortium of Tourism of the Ribeira Sacra and the Provincial Council of Lugo, promoted a heartbeat of life and color that shows our roots, our culture, our way of life and the intense way in which we as Quirogueses/AS feel things. Join us in the artistic interpretation that outstanding artists make of our Heritage. You will find our products: wine, honey and oil, our writers, the Camino de Santiago…

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Author: Manuel Garcia Losada

This bench begins the series of Quiroga thematic benches; The novelty consists in using these striking and visible supports to highlight concepts, events, products, etc. The series begins with a magnificent example of artistic representation of sorority, very recognizable by its colors and shapes. For yet another year, the Quiroga City Council Women’s Office commemorates International Women’s Day, betting on a new element of urban art.

Author: Felipe Piñuela

These two sculptures (n.3 and n.15) made by the Salamantino Felipe Piñuela intend to value Quiroga’s literary culture. The well-known authors whose names decorate the pencils of culture were chosen not only for the contribution they made to Galician and Castilian literature, but also for being linked to Quiroga’s lands. The authors represented are: Ánxel Fole, Manuel María, Ernesto Guerra de la Cual, Luz Pozo Garza, Eduardo Moreiras and the sisters Pura and Dora Vázquez.

Author: José Muruzábal – Yoseba MP

It is one of the murals that belongs to the series that Muruzábal is developing throughout Galicia called “superavoas”. He wants to represent with a good dose of humor “A rural Galician smallholder woman who works in the fields until she is eighty years old with surprising energy and physical condition”, according to his own words.


Reader: María Vila (4ºESO – IES Quiroga)

Author: José Muruzábal – Yoseba MP

Mural that comes out of what has been seen so far by this artist recognized for his series dedicated to “superavoas”. In his second mural in Quiroga he represents the Meco and the Pampórnigas, mythical characters of the Culture and History of Quiroga who every year go out to dance through the streets of the Hermitage during the Pilgrimage of the Virgen de los Remedios de la Ermida.


Reader: Nadia Touzón (4ºESO – IES Quiroga)

Author: Mon Devane

Mural painting made by the Ourense-born artist Mon Devane which, together with the mural made in the Municipal Auditorium of Quiroga, make up a series of two pieces that aims to value Quiroga’s ethnography and culture. This mural shows the importance of the Camino de Invierno in the town of Quiroga; With a spectacular format due to its dimensions, you can see a woman dressed as a pilgrim, within the characteristic chromatic guidelines of this muralist.

Author: German Gonzalez

Mural dedicated to honey, one of Quiroga’s typical products along with wine, oil and chestnuts. The honey in the valley of the river Sil and in the Courel Mountains is a product that goes beyond the purely gastronomic, since it has a strong cultural and natural component. Whenever we refer to our honey, the alvarizas (circular structures made of stone to protect the hives; about 300 in the territory of the Courel Mountains Xeopark) and the brown bear are present; an animal that lived in these mountains, left and returns now, we hope, to stay. Every August 10, the Quiroguesa town hosts the Honey Show, where beekeepers show and sell their products.

Author: Manuel Garcia Losada

The main facade of the Quiroga Geological Museum was designed by local artist Manuel García Losada. Harmonious combination of stone, wood and iron, to generate a cozy space made up of several volumes that play with shadows, to complete a magnificent simplified trace of the geological structure known as the lying fold of the Courel Mountains.

Author: Iván Floro – Van Vuu

Mural that evokes the feeling of the Ribeira Sacra through a young woman next to a river. In the mural itself you can see the characteristic impressionist style that made this artist so famous, always between orthodoxy and provocation.


Reader: Celia López (4ºESO – IES Quiroga)

Author: Pablo Sanjuro-Van Kraf

Portrait as a memory of the “mother of Galician letters” that serves to give voice to current issues such as women’s rights, the defense of Galician or the denunciation of emigration. As can be seen, her figure continues to be a source of inspiration for numerous artists today.

Author: Jose Luis Lemos

Starting from a phrase, the painter proposes a pleasant and romantic space to kiss; for that he used a range of spring colors along with various floral motifs that evoke the aforementioned season.

Author: Abi Castillo

Mural painting made in the Quiroga Sports Center by the artist Abi Castillo. Can sisterhood (solidarity between women in a context of sexual discrimination and patriarchal violence) be represented? Judge the spectators. Like other works on this route, it was made to commemorate International Women’s Day.

Author: Obradoiro Employment Sillor IV

In the year 2020, the workers of the Sillor IV Employment Obradoiro were in charge of beautifying an area of Quiroga, between the Infant and Primary School, the Sports Pavilion and the Municipal Hostel, which was badly damaged by the passage of the years. Taking the context into account, in the purest Piet Mondrain style, they decided to play with colors and geometric shapes to define a much more joyful and human space.

Authors: Miguel Peralta and Xoana Alma

Mural painting made on one of the facades of the Quiroga Hostel in 2015 as part of a series to promote the Ribeira Sacra. The artists give shape to an aureana/washerwoman, a mythological being that is related to the legends of xacias and the mouras.

Author: Felipe Piñuela

These two sculptures (n.3 and n.15) made by the Salamantino Felipe Piñuela intend to value Quiroga’s literary culture. The well-known authors whose names decorate the pencils of culture were chosen not only for the contribution they made to Galician and Castilian literature, but also for being linked to Quiroga’s lands. The authors represented are: Ánxel Fole, Manuel María, Ernesto Guerra de la Cual, Luz Pozo Garza, Eduardo Moreiras and the sisters Pura and Dora Vázquez.

Author: Salamanca School of Art.

Quiroga, with the support of the Quiroga en Marcha Association, pays homage to the pilgrims on the Winter Way with this cortan steel sculpture on a quartzite base. It is located on the Camino de Invierno itself, next to the municipal hostel.

Author: Manuel Garcia Losada

Pop art inspires the artist for the thematic decoration of a bench dedicated to a product, the wine and gastronomic festival dedicated to this product; The Quiroga Wine Fest, the doyen of the Ribeira Sacra Wine Fairs, since 1980 has become a gastronomic and cultural benchmark inside and outside Galicia. Every Saturday and Sunday of Easter thousands of visitors pass through Quiroga attracted by the offer of this event.

Author: Mon Devane

Monumental mural made on the rear façade of the Municipal Auditorium of Quiroga to reflect one of Quiroga’s jewels, the olive. This work wants to highlight one of the products that means so much to Quiroga, oil. As the visitors will be able to observe, the artist Mon Devane represented a child holding an olive within his characteristic chromatic scale.