After four months of intense work and many setbacks, Salvador Ontiveros Alvarez´s car , (resident of Pacios de Mondelo, Quiroga), is now restored and exhibited at Quiroga´s Municipal Ethnographic Museum.
On Monday August 10, 2009 at 1 p.m., coinciding with the most important fair of the year and the eighteenth “Mostra do Mel de Quiroga”, Salvador Ontiveros´ car ran again in Quiroga´s main street way to the Museum. The delivery was in an act in which his family, owner of the vehicle, made a symbolic presentation to Quiroga´s mayor for exhibition in the Ethnographic Museum.
Salvador Ontiveros´ family had given the vehicle to the Ethnographic Museum one year ago, but so far not been possible to restore it due to lack of staff to carry out this work. For about three months, two assigned workers (Iván Vazquez Romero and Antonio Díaz de la Fuente), performed maintenance on the Ethnographic Museum, advised by the restorer of Agapito Vila´s Institution. They had to solve many problems to finally restore one of the first Quiroga´s cars.
This single-seater vehicle is an unique car that does not belong to any particular business model, since it was built with parts from various sources by Salvador Ontiveros.
He was a known neighbor of Pacios de Mondelo who died in 2002 at 103 years old, and that was known for his inventiveness and the many activities he played in his life.
Salvador Ontiveros´ family gave, in addition to the vehicle, numerous pieces related to carpentry and a curious machine to make ice cream for exhibition and conservation in Quiroga´s Ethnographic Museum.